This is YOUR meeting
This past year has Zoomed by as many of us experienced it via Zoom with virtual meetings being the norm.
My writing group meets every morning via zoom. Same Bat Time… Same Bat Channel (those of you in Gen Y or later, recall “Lego” movie). Our Learned Leader hosts via her Zoom account.
Yesterday morning her Zoom link wouldn’t work stating “you are not the host”
Have you ever felt that way…? You are not the host of your own meeting…?
It can happen when we are not prepared. When we are so busy that we remember to set up the meeting, invite everyone and login at the appropriate time but we did not prepare for the discussions, the different perspectives or personalities or, for the outcome.
We’ve all been a participant in that meeting where the host didn’t have control because they were not prepared, it can range from “slightly awkward” to “complete train wreck” on the evaluation sheet.
If this is your meeting, own it.
The secret to being UnScripted is to be prepared. Be prepared for whatever could happen, so that when the UnExpected happens (and it will) You Got This!
image – Batman is a 1960s American live action television series, based on the DC comic bookcharacter of the same name, and it’s a property of both 20th Century Studios and Disney. image used from
The Lego Movie: The first film produced by the Warner Animation Group, it was released on February 7, 2014 by Warner Bros. Pictures.