OH the irony!
Instead of trying to “control” for the unexpected, we need to “prepare” for it, even encourage it.
When we no longer see uncertainty as a threat, it becomes our opportunity.
Thinking Out Loud
When is thinking out loud a good thing…?
The Opening Act: What Sting did to Set The Stage
In business, at work, in meetings and launches we can and should take care to prepare our audiences; our employees, our customers, our clients, our stakeholders to receive our messages, our recommendations, our products and our services. We can prepare them, warm them up, and get them ready to engage. What can you do to set the stage…?
The Wisdom of Not-Knowing
Consider the wisdom of not-knowing, of being open to the possibilities not yet explored, or ideas not already tested.
Allowing yourself to sit in the uncertainty
That’s your problem
If you think you already know the answer… you are not actually “problem solving”
Curious about Burnout…?
As a leader what can you do when that “Can-Do attitude” got up and went? What do you do when you are left with burnout, apathy and meh…?
In my latest article in Forbes I explore the concept of compassionate curiosity after speaking with an Executive Director of a not-for-profit who was experiencing more challenging HR issues “post-covid”.
Feeling Awkward…?
When we are feeling awkward it may be because we are outside of our comfort zone, when we are trying something new or facing uncertain or ambiguous situations. It is in these moments that we learn. It is in these moments that we laugh and we connect with other people and new ideas.
We move at the speed of trust
For businesses to move forward, improve, adapt or innovate, it requires ideas to be shared, suggestions to be made and open collaboration to occur. This requires risk and vulnerability and that… requires trust.
The link between learning and laughing is no joke…
Having humility and humour gives us the space to learn, gives us the opportunity to try, and to fail. If we take ourselves too seriously and focus only on the outcome… we will miss the opportunity to learn.
Beginner’s Mind
When was the last time you did something for the first time…?
Adopting a Beginner’s Mind can lead to new ideas, new thinking and innovation.
“Business moves
too fast
to be scripted.”
Jennifer Spear
Time left to make an impact this year.
New opportunities await in 2025...