Take advantage of changeTM



We studied uncertainty during the most uncertain time in our history.

We learned that not everyone in a crisis is in crisis.

We learned that people who are more comfortable with uncertainty are healthier overall and even inspired by change.

These people are UnScripted.

How Unscripted

are you?

Take the

It only takes 3 minutes

Why this matters

Why should you care about being UnScripted or handling Uncertainty?

We are experiencing change at an exponential rate, and it is impacting all aspects of our work and our lives.

And more than that, the nature of change is changing. There is…

more complexity

more ambiguity

more unpredictability

That means more wicked problems and more uncertainty

Yet, we still have to make decisions (without all the information)

We have to solve new problems (without any prior experience)

We have to work with others (in new and different ways)

All of this requires that we become comfortable working within uncertainty.

And that requires that we:

Tolerate ambiguity;

Become courageously curious; and

Work UnScripted

Take the

It only takes 3 minutes

Why take this assessment?

For the first time ever we can measure how UnScripted we are.

The UnScripted Assessment was devised from our unique ground-breaking research study Chaos2Clarity which was designed to understand the impact uncertainty has on all of us.

What the assessment measures

How UnScripted ARE YOU? = UnScripted Edge

How UnScripted you are shows how comfortable you are with uncertainty and chaos and if you respond cautiously or curiously to the unknowns in your life.

How ARE YOU UnScripted?

Not everyone is UnScripted in the same way. There are four Dimensions of UnScripted, each one measured separately, and together, they give you your overall score.

The Four Dimensions

  1. Adaptive Learning
    • Learning for the purpose of personal or professional growth
    • Intentional learning with growth in mind
  2. Adaptive Learning
    • Learning based on your control and creativity:
      Control of how, what and where you learn, and your ability to apply your own creativity.
  3. Resistance Learning
    • Learning in the face of resistance
    • Learning in spite of uncertainty, self-doubt, or surprise.
  4. Joy of Learning
    • Learning for the pure joy of discovery and gaining new knowledge
    • Learning for pleasure, to satisfy curiosity and wonder.

Take the

It only takes 3 minutes

For individuals

If you were more comfortable with change…

What new things could you accomplish?

What would you try that you’ve never dared to try before?

How confident and less anxious would you feel?

You will receive your customized report which will share how UnScripted you are overall and, since not everyone is UnScripted in the same way, you will also learn how you are UnScripted, or what we call your UnScripted Edge.

Learning outcomes from the assessment

  • Greater self-awareness of how you respond to change and uncertainty
  • An understanding of some of your challenges and blind spots when it comes to facing change
  • Suggestions and techniques that will help you become more UnScripted
  • Ideas on how you can explore your UnScripted Edge

For teams and leaders

If you knew your team was inspired by change…

What bold new ideas could you put into practice?

What innovative ideas could be explored?

How might you delight and surprise your customers?

As a leader you are tasked with leading a group of unique, diverse, talented, flawed, and quirky humans and you must do it during this disruptive time, without a playbook or script to follow.

But what if there was a new script?

What if you were able to understand HOW your team will react in times of change and uncertainty? Wouldn’t that help you lead them?

What if your team wasn’t always waiting to be given a script to follow? What if they were inspired to write a new script?

What if you could identify the areas that your team needed to develop in order to accomplish tasks, solve problems, and innovate during times of uncertainty and change?

What if you could adjust your leadership style to inspire your team to embrace change?

The UnScripted team

Every team member will receive their own unique UnScripted profile.

As a leader you will receive an UnScripted Team profile and together we can identify opportunities for improvement, areas to watch, and strategies with which to inspire your team

Take the

It only takes 3 minutes

The Unscripted Mindset

creates a Clean Slate

a clean slate to


UnScripted innovation allows you
to remain relevant in the marketplace.

a clean slate to


UnScripted communication goes beyond
the conversation to build trust and drive results.

a clean slate to


UnScripted negotiation is a collaborative art
resulting in true win/win solutions

a clean slate to


UnScripted collaboration provides a framework
for co-creating solutions to achieve real results in real time.

a clean slate to


UnScripted idea generation creates an intellectual space
that fosters new ideas and breakthrough solutions; no limits, just results.

Rave Reviews

“Jennifer is a complete professional who is a joy to work with.

I now have her on speed-dial.”
Bettyanne Sherrer, CMP, CMM

Principal, ProPlan Conferences & Events Planner, VIPlane

“As our keynote, Jennifer was outstanding in connecting with our employees and inspiring them to embrace change and be ready for the unexpected.”
Joanne Lafreniere

Director, Employee Technology Experience & Communications, BMO Financial Group

“…I walked out of the session with several solutions to a problem that had kept me awake the night before. How many times does your Monday morning start out like that?”
Allan Dubyts, CEO

SafeandSecured.com Inc

“Not only does Jennifer provide memorable, informative sessions, but she has audiences laughing, standing, and participating at an unprecedented level.”
Danielle Lamothe, Director Professional Services (former)

Institute for Performance and Learning (formerly CSTD)

“Jennifer delivers not only a keynote presentation, but an experience for participants with tools they can use in their work environment.”
Irene Martin-Lindsay, Executive Director

Alberta Seniors Communities and Housing Association (ASCHA)

“Regardless of the space or time constrictions we may have placed upon her, Jennifer was able to adapt her content to our audience and our event while still managing to deliver superior results.”
Danielle Lamothe, Director Professional Services (former)

Institute for Performance and Learning (formerly CSTD)


“You will be more likely to be remembered

for your response when you ​

offered a Creative Solution

in an UnCertain situation rather than

how rigidly you stuck to the Script.”

Jennifer Spear

Time left to make an impact this year.

New opportunities await in 2025...

What impact do you want to make?